Izdelava spletnih strani
grupa don don
We created portals that entirely present the group DonDon and their associates (Tvojih5Minut, Pekarna Grosuplje, DonDon) in collabotarion with the largest Slovenian agency ArnoldVuga+. The said group has companies opened in Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Bulgaria and Croatia. Therefore the group DonDon is the largest baking industry in this region. It creates over 90 million euros of income annually. The portal was custom made, with their own CMs, that enables them to make fast adjustmsnts.
Lastna WordPress tema za portale Don Don, Tvojih5minut, Pekarna Grosuplje
ArnoldVuga+, DonDon
Scrool the image within the device
Scrolling enables the image within the device to be scrolled. Scrooling is set to work on tablet size up devices.

- Branding/Color Scheme Design 100%
- Website Creation 100%
- Imagery Creation 70%
- Responsive Design 100%
PODOBNI Projekti
S ponosom vam predstavljamo nekaj naših dokončanih projektov, da se lažje odločite o izgledu vaše nove spletne strani ali mobilne aplikacije.